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Recruitment is typically a pain point for companies. You want to hire a lot of people, perfectly qualified and within your budget, AND as quickly as possible. This is big task for your recruitment team, and likely hiring outside recruiters becomes necessary to speed up the process. While time and resources are often put into marketing a company’s product or services, the same attention is often not put to marketing employment brand. There are many reasons you should focus on your brand:


  1. JOB SEEKERS ARE EDUCATED CONSUMERS: Social media and the internet in general has made it very easy for a job seeker to get insights into life at your company. If people are searching Yelp for a lunch choice, they will certainly check Glassdoor to help decide if they want to be in your office on a daily basis.
  2. OPPORTUNITY OVERLOAD: On a daily basis, a job seeker (and even those NOT looking for a job currently) will be contacted by a recruiter about a potential opportunity. Their Linkedin feed is going to feature job listings. There are countless job websites with even more job opportunities. What is differentiating your company from your competitors or other similar opportunities? If it isn’t apparent immediately online, you will already lose potential candidates.
  3. INCREASE PROBABILITY: The logic here is simple. The more people that can see your opportunity, the more candidates you can attract. The more this is promoted on all your channels, the more likely it is to be found by a potential applicant.
  4. CONTROLING YOUR OWN BRAND: Good or bad, your employees are writing about their work experiences online. They will tweet about work, post that office picture on Instagram, or share their experience with their Facebook friends. While you can’t control what others will post, focusing on your employment brand means you can display what you feel truly embodies your culture and work-life.
  5. FASTER RECRUITING: Once you create an online employment brand that is attractive to potential candidates, you are going to have an easier and quicker time recruiting. This saves time and resources from your recruitment team and hiring managers. Overall, it’s a win for everyone.


For more information on StrategyNYC’s Employment Brand consulting, please contact